Monday, November 29, 2010

The Monday After

There's nothing quite like going back to work after a four day weekend. My body always gets used to sleeping late and when it comes time to get up at 6am again, well, lets just say that I'm paying my dues right now. It doesn't help that I spent most of the weekend sitting on my butt watching tv or playing Fallout 3. Damned, bloody, addictive game. So, lack of physical activity plus my natural proclivity to sleeping through the morning equals a screaming headache, stabbing pain in my back, nausea and a deep desire to crawl under my desk to hide. Glorious. Oh, and I didn't even manage to work on my novel like I told myself I would. I'm such a slacker. On a brighter note, I did almost reach level 20 in Fallout. Go me.

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