Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn's Grace

Today is the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of balance between day and night, when Summer fades and we begin the slow slide toward the long, dark months of Winter. The modern Pagan Wheel of the Year calls today Mabon. It is the second of three harvest festivals that celebrate the bounty of the Earth Mother and the imminent death of the Sun God on Samhain (Oct. 31st). He is reborn on Yule (the Winter Solstice) when the Wheel turns and the days start growing longer again. As the leaves fall from the trees and the night air grows chill, I hope that everyone is able to enjoy this harvest season with warmth, comfort and good fellowship. Happy Mabon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great info. Thanks. I did notice it was the equinox but didn't do much about it. Hope you had a good one too.

We always have a winter solstice party on Dec 20th or so. Huge bonfire in the back. What exactly we are celebrating, I don't know, but as the party has grown to over 50 attendants, I have to figure something out this year. ;)