Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fighting Focus

Last night's fighter practice held some interesting insights into my fighting. I was reminded of just how important the ability to focus really is. I find that if I don't maintain a solid focus, I tend to fight at a significantly lower level. If I'm just "playing around" I get sloppy. If I try too hard, same deal. There is a Zen state that must be reached to fight at one's best. A kind of sharp but diffuse awareness of your surroundings and opponent. You have to commit, but you also have to be loose and sort of "zoned out". It's an odd state to be in, but once your there, it's amazing. When I lose that state, I feel clumsy and out of control. And I lose fights. I realize that this is probably stating the obvious, but it was very much in the forefront of my thoughts last night.


Joel said...

I know exactly what you mean. These days, I rarely get to fight upper-end fighters, and it's very hard to reach that state of "I'm going to eat your face" zen.

Corbin said...

There is apparently a treatise by an anonymous Bolognese fencing master from about 1530 that speaks of the proper mindset for being a successful swordsman. I'll have to let you read the passage in question sometime. Very interesting views on the matter.