Monday, August 2, 2010

Thing in the Woods

Lessons learned (or reinforced) at Thing in the Woods:

1) Against a highly skilled opponent, even the smallest misstep will cost you the fight.
2) Against a less skilled opponent, in a tourney, do not play around. Kill them quickly and move on.
3) Torrential rain followed by blazing hot sun equals a truly disgusting environment in which to do much of anything.
4) The wanton display of pale, hairy man-belly can be forgiven in the event of #3, but only for short periods.
5) Sometimes, you do get recognized for the good things that you do.
6) When receiving accolades, don't try to be funny. Just keep your mouth shut and accept gracefully.
7) Women are fey and dangerous creatures (no, I will not elaborate).
8) Peach lemonade is among the most vile concoctions dreamed up by Man.
9) Having a screaming headache in the middle of a loud, crowded restaurant tends to make Corbin anti-social.
10) Everything hurts more on the second morning after.

1 comment:

Sunny said...
