Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Malicious Microorganisms

Once again, I have been assaulted by germy invaders that delight in tormenting me. A viral sinus infection, the doctor says. Nothing serious enough to be life threatening, of course. Not much the medical community can do about it. Just tough it out, sonny boy. Get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids. Purge you body, bolster you immune system, take over-the-counter drugs. Well, I knew to do all that already, so going to the doctor seems kind of pointness, after the fact. I can't just stop my day to day activities for the sake of getting "rest". I have responsibilities, after all. So, unless I'm completely debilitated, what I end up with is long stretches of low grade misery as I try to carry on with my normal routine. I'm tired of being subjected to the whims of non-sentient (supposedly) microcosmic forces that flare up whenever my immune system is the slightest bit stressed. I can only seek to focus on the positive right now. After all, had I lived even a hundred years ago, I would have probably died in early childhood. Now, I can at least look forward to old age, when the health problems will be much, much worse than merely annoying. That's a happy thought....


Hawk said...

Sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you all can make it this weekend to A&S. Nothing major planned, I haven't got a budget for a prize, so we are just playing for a fun tournament.

South Park last night had the parent "dying" of SARS. "Son, I have only a 98% chance of making it. You have to save your people, you have to cure SARS or there might only be 98% of us left."

Corbin said...

We'll be daytripping A&S. Hopefully I'll be well enough to actually suit up and fight. I hate being sick in the Summer. Too much going on for me to be down with the sickness.

98%?! Oh, the horror! Hilariousness! Or Illariousness, as the case may be.