Monday, February 20, 2012

Gulf Wars, Day 5 (Friday, March 18th)

Another day, another major tourney. The Rose Tourney. Very prestigious. Lots of high level competition. You need to be sponsored by a Lady of the Rose in order to fight in it. Cool stuff. Anyway, I usually choke in high pressure tourneys like this. For example, first fight of the first match. Paired against an intermediate level fighter. Nice lady. Double killed. What? No, that's not supposed to happen. We fight again. I win, but it's messy. What the hell is wrong with me? Stupid tourney. Stupid brain getting in the way of killing. Ok, next bout. Better. Quick, clean kill. Fabris works, when done right. Next bout. Nerves calming now. Tall guy. Young. Looks like he knows what he's doing. Tall guys are a pain in my butt. Need to get control of his long blade, move in fast, press him, take him out of his game. Nearly worked, until he remembered his dagger. Couldn't disengage fast enough. Damn his reach! Dagger to the face. Hard. Smashed my mask into my nose. I let my displeasure show a bit. Marshal warned him to watch his shots. His attitude about it kind of sucked. Arrogant. Oh, well. I'm out. No problem. Moving on.

Pick ups. Had some fun, good fights. Good people. Rest of the day goes by quick. Time for Meridian Court. We are making a new Captain. Elijah Cameron. He's already a Warder back in the Midrealm, but he's one of ours now. Great guy, very deserving. He was tickled that we thought so highly of him. Welcome, brother! Court finished and we went to change in to better clothes for wandering around in. Ysabel wanted to make an appearance at the Known Worlde Party. Ugh! Hate crowds. Loud, drunk crowds especially. It's a borderline anxiety/phobia thing. Ok, I'll do it for her. We wander into the Fort where the party is. Too many people. Too much noise, pressing all around me. Can't breathe, hands shaking, cold sweat on my brow, eyes darting in near panic. I last five minutes. Ysabel takes pity and moves us out of the crowd. Thank goodness. We visit with some people outside the Fort. Good conversation in small groups. Much better. The night winds down. Bed starts to look pretty attractive. Sleep.

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