Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Ups and Downs

Things that suck:

I'm just now recovering from what is probably the worst cold/sinus infection I've had in a very long time. Still feeling rotten, but at least able to function now.

My daughter has been with her mother in North Carolina for the past week and a half and I sorta miss her.

It's been cold, wet and disgusting outside for days.

We ended up dropping $200 on fixing a couple of cracked window panes and I had to pay a cable bill that I thought we'd covered already.

Things that don't suck:

My daughter is coming home today!

We aren't completely broke.

I finished the rough draft of the prologue for my novel.

I got some writing done on a short story project.

I got some seriously cool swag for Xmas/Yule, including Fallout: New Vegas, Assassin's Creed 2, the last season of Avatar: the Last Airbender, the latest season of Doctor Who (on Blu-Ray), the entire Cowboy Bebop series and the feature length movie! I'm going to be busy on the tv for awhile. :)

I also got a pair of steel finger gauntlets for when we fight German Longsword.

My wife really liked everything I got for her. (Yay!)

Overall, the good outweighed the bad, I think. I hope y'all can say the same! Joyous Yule and Happy New Year!


Joel said...

I met Ken St. Andre, who designed the original Fallout. He's also the author of Tunnels and Trolls.

Corbin said...

That would explain why the Super Mutants in Fallout 3 look like big green trolls...