Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's bloody, freakin', stupidly cold outside. That is all.


ladyysabel said...

And we got out of school for it!!!

Corbin said...

The Northerner in me is amused.

Hawk said...

Yeah, wish I got out of work for it. I have some kids playing D&D tonight...looks like I am faking it again. (don't tell them)

I have to figure out a dungeon crawl, learn some new software, and write a weekly report. Oh, world peace and stuff.

Corbin said...

World peace was on my to-do list, right after curing cancer and fixing the hole in the ozone layer, but then I thought to myself, "Screw it! I'll leave the little stuff to my minions."

Good luck coming up with a dungeon crawl. Playing God is never easy, I know.